Sunday, February 6, 2011

Checking in...

Hi everyone!  I’ve tried for nights now to write a blog.  But since Michael was born, I’m lucky if I get a chance to return an email, and REALLY lucky if I get a shower.  I don’t remember being this insanely busy when the boys were born.  I guess the difference is that now I’m pulled in 4 different directions, and back then, at least the boys were on the same schedule.  For example, at the same second (at any given moment) over here, #1 is dying of hunger because we ate 30 minutes ago,  #2 is on the verge of death (and needs a band-aid right NOW) because #3 threw a car at him,  #3 is melting down because said car bounced off #2’s head and vanished under the couch, and poor Michael is crying because, well, because he is 6 weeks old.   And as soon as I start nursing Michael, someone is upstairs needing their butt wiped while someone else is shouting “Uh oh.  UH OH. Mommmyyyy!!”   And so the day goes.    So anyway, when I have more than 10 uninterrupted minutes, I’ll write a better update.  But suffice it to say, everything is going well.  Michael’s been fussy lately, but mostly has been an easy baby.  The biggest challenge has been a practical one: how to feed him according to his unpredictable schedule and get the boys to school on time three mornings a week).  We’re managing, though (it’s amazing how much can be accomplished with a kid hanging from your boob), and Michael certainly hasn’t missed any meals.  He eats like a horse and is wearing clothes the boys wore at 8 months.  And he's still got that awesome head of hair.  Here’s some pics, and I promise to write more soon!  
The brothers model the latest in headgear.

Charlie tells Michael the rules of the house.  According to Charlie.

Wrestling match #425 of the day.  Good thing Michael's growing so big so fast...