Sunday, April 25, 2010


This weekend was the March of Dimes' March for Babies.   Team DEFKAHN 3 raised over $1500! Woohoo!!  A big thanks to everyone who supported us.

The boys had a big time (cookies on the wagon ride and Cheetos for lunch), and Cooper met his twin.  Not talking about Zach and Charlie....

Meet Cooper's doppelganger, Liam:

After the walk, the boys were chasing each other around a concrete column (trying to turn into melted butter, presumably), when out of the blue, Liam (who we'd never seen before) joined the gang.  Like he had known us forever.   Rather, like he had known Cooper forever.  They hugged each other and shared chips and a similar passion for running in circles.  Cooper and Liam were the same size and could look each other in the eyes.  It's tough when you are almost 3 and can still wear size 18 month pants.  I think they bonded for life.

I spotted Liam's dad standing nearby.  He was just as amused as we were.    Turns out Liam was also a 24- weeker, born about a year before the boys.  I hope we see more of Mr. Liam.

Here's my favorite picture from the weekend:
Six miracles: Liam, Charlie, Cooper, Hobson, Zach, and Aaron.  Hobson and Aaron were in the NICU at the same time as our boys.  They're twins, born at 26 weeks.  These little guys are going to buddies for a long, long time. 

And don't you love how they are all chugging water.  Takes a lot out of a guy to sit in a wagon for 3.5 miles.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Inquiring minds

I love watching the gears turn.

Tonight during dinner, Zach noticed that the clock that used to be on the wall was gone.
Zach:     Mama – where the clock go?
Captain Obvious Me:     The clock? Oh, the clock’s gone.
Charlie:     The clock's gone.  Like the snowman. <<PAUSE... gears turning>> The clock MELTED!
Zach and Cooper agreed.  Of course the clock melted.

Two hours later, before bed, I read  the boys The Snowman for the umpteenth time.
Me:     "And when the boy ran outside to find the snowman the next morning, it was gone…”

Charlie:    The snowman melted.  LIKE THE CLOCK!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Easter Weekend, 2010.
I was afraid of him too, Charlie.

Brian's brother Greg (in the bunnysuit) got married to Auntie Sam the day before Easter on the Isle of Palms.  The boys were ringbearers.  Charlie took his membership in the bridal party very seriously and took it upon himself to chapperone the bride and groom's first dance.   

It was a great wedding and a great weekend.  (And I'm sure the nightmares about giant bunnies will end soon.) 

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I need a boo boo monkey for my head

This morning, I told the boys I was going out to get the newspaper. I’m not allowed to even pee alone these days, so of course, the whole gang insists on accompanying me on this important mission. Charlie hopped down the porch steps and took off down the driveway (in PJs, without shoes) going 300 mph, and tripped over his own feet and crashed and burned. “My knee, my knee! Kiss it, Mama! Need boo boo monkey!! Need boo boo monkey!!” I checked out the knee. Little scrape, little blood, no big deal. But I’m not 2½.

I sat Charlie down on the family room couch, and while I searched for our first aid supplies, he screamed for a solid 10 minutes about needing a boo boo monkey band-aid. Finally, after tearing up the house, I found the box of coveted Curious George bandages (which had been, for inexplicable reasons, shoved into the back of the tupperware drawer) and rushed back into the family room, where I found Charlie still whimpering and Zach sitting next to him, now also wailing (but with no tears). Apparently Zach had become “injured” too. “My knee mama! My knee mama! I need a band-aid too!!”

So I handed the boy-who-cried-wolf a band-aid for the phantom injury and he ran off, presumably to stick the bandage in Cooper’s hair or somewhere else it really didn’t belong.

Charlie, meanwhile, was still just beside himself about needing a band-aid. Finally, yellow Curious George band-aid in hand, I got down to business dressing the wound. Charlie started to kick and scream louder. “NOOOO Mama!! Not on knee! On my pants! My pants! Boo boo monkey on my pants!”

What? Whatever you say, kiddo. I stuck the grinning monkey on his pants and he bounced off the couch and took off running. “That good mama! Thanks!”  All better.