I've been a blogging slacker lately. I've got 2 excuses: (1) I caught a stupid cold which zapped all my energy this week (no one warns you when you get pregnant that one day you might get sick, your children won't care, and only then will you realize exactly how much energy
they have) and (2) we started watching episodes of Dexter every night. (Rent this series. It is GOOD and addictive.) Brian's working late tonight, and I figured I could either blog or deal with the Chef
Boyardee decorating my kitchen table and floor. Guess what I chose...
The latest in our world:
The other night after the boys went to bed, Brian ran over to Blockbuster. We were all ready for a quiet evening watching Dexter when we realized the TV remote (absolutely necessary to switch to DVD mode) was nowhere to be found. NOWHERE. We spent more than thirty minutes tearing apart the house looking for the blasted thing. I'd pretty much given up - decided that Charlie (who is fascinated with the kitchen trashcan) must have thrown it away with the garbage that got rolled down the driveway the night before - when I decided to get a flashlight from the basement to assist our search. I opened the basement door. Oh dear lord, you have got to be kidding me:
And there it was. Thrown down the basement stairs via the cat door with basically everything else we own. Brian swears he was only responsible for throwing the paper towels and the potholder.
This weekend, Brian, my dad, and I ran in a 5K that started and ended at Panther Stadium. I pushed the boys, and I think they had fun - they loved seeing Sir Purr and I think I caught Zach gawking at a Panthers cheerleader. Cooper was a bit repulsed by the race port-o-potties.
Charlie has changed his name. For the past month, every time I've asked him what his name is, he proudly says "Ray Ray." (Yep - just like his beloved Aunt Ray Ray). Zach's favorite word is "Ah-pus" (octopus). Cooper's is "take" (cake). He requests it with almost every meal.
Yesterday I was washing dishes, my back to the boys for just a few seconds. Over the running water, I heard bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang. Just like ... no.... surely it's just a spoon .... I slowly turned around. Yipes.
Zach - completely guilty - grinned at me. Appears he was marking time spent in this zoo.